There are seven easy steps to solving the 3x3 Rubik's Cube
1) The Cross
2) Lower Corner
3) Middle Side
4) Top Cross
5) Matching Top Corners
6) Matching Top Cross
7) Finishing Steps
Understanding the symbols
D = bottom side clockwise
U = upper side clockwise
R = right side clockwise
L = left side clockwise
F = front side clockwise
B = back side clockwise
Di = bottom side clockwise
Ui = upper side clockwise
Ri = right side clockwise
Li = left side clockwise
Fi = front side clockwise
Bi = back side clockwise
Understanding Opposite Colors
Red = opposite of Orange
Orange = opposite of Red
Yellow = opposite of White
White = opposite of Yellow
Green = opposite of Blue
Blue = opposite of Green
These are opposites because the colors are on the opposite side.
Alright, now let's proceed to step 1
Step 1
Start with the white cross by holding your rubik's cube having the white side facing up. Do you notice the colors on the side? Red, orange, blue, and green. Do you also see the side pieces (White, Red) (White, Orange) (White, Blue) (White, Green)? These are the four pieces for the cross. You basically fit them all into the correct position.
Ri U Fi Ui

Step 2
When you are finished fixing up the cross, you can now proceed to solving the corners. These four corners contain: (White, Red, Green) (White, Red, Blue) (White, Orange, Green) (White, Orange, Blue). You can twist a few times to fit in the corners.
Ri Di R D
depending how many times whether 1 time, 3 times, or 5 times

Step 3
Now that you have completed step 2, you can use these 2-faced side pieces to finish the next step. This step includes: (Red, Green) (Red, Blue) (Orange, Green) (Orange, Blue). The trick is to use:
U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F
if your piece color aligns on the left side.

Ui Fi U F U R Ui Ri
if your piece color aligns on the right side.

Now, your cube should look like this:

Now it is getting harder. Step 4 will lead you to the cross on the top. You will use the following pieces: (Yellow, Red) (Yellow, Orange) (Yellow, Blue) (Yellow, Green). The formula is:
F R U Ri Ui Fi

Step 5
Matching the top colors are sort of hard when you first try it. Your goal is to match the corners on all sides. You do not have to care about the top, side pieces yet. First find two matching corners. You might find the two corners behind are either matched already or switched. If it is matched, you are done with this step. If you have the corners behind not matched then use this formula:
Ui R Ui Li U Ri Ui L
If you do not have the two matching corners in the front then use this formula above once and you should find two matching corners.

Now that the corners are matched, you will flip all the yellow pieces facing upward. This part is really exciting. You are almost finished. There are two formulas for this: A clockwise formula, and a counter-clockwise formula. This might take a while.
The clockwise formula is:
R U Ri U R U U Ri
The counter-clockwise formula is:
R Ui Ui Ri Ui R Ui Ri
The counter-clockwise formula is the reverse of the clockwise formula. This might take a while. When you find a "fish", which means you have a cross and one corner yellow tile facing up, there are two direct solutions. This means there are two possibilities when you have the fish. First, you should hold the fish with the single corner on the left front side facing up for the first formula. That is when you are holding the cube in this direction and the yellow tile on the front, left, side is facing you, use the first formula directly.

You are almost done! Now your rubik's cube should look something like this:

Turn the side on your right 180 degrees. Match the color that is on your left or right. That means turn either right or left on the top (U or Ui) to match it. then use F Bi. Turn the side on your right 180 degrees again and use Fi B. and turn again to match the correct color and turn 180 degrees for the last time. You are finished!
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